How I look

How I wish I looked

I have been painting for as long as i can remember. Which currently stands at about a year.

I had painted in high school and intermittently thereafter, but only seriously reconnected with my love of painting in late 2022.

How I looked


Each page has two sections- the links to the gallery at the top, and store links at the bottom. Click on the larger images to connect to full resolution copies.

If you click on the store links it'll take you to the store ( obviously) but also many of the store entries have notes about a particular piece ( not so obviously)


I have no idea what I'm doing so please report broken links via the “ contact me” button. If the “contact me” button is the one that's broken, click on the shop button. Buy something while you're there, you'll feel better.

Please support the arts

Richard Rayner Art

How I look being pretentious

I was born in England in 1966 and am still alive at the time of this writing. Accordingly please read slowly.

I currently reside in Santa Monica due to the incredible graces of two amazing friends.

I recently took up painting in watercolor and gouche.

I was joking about the read slowly thing